講演会「六者協議の行き詰まりと米国の対北朝鮮政策」 | 東京財団政策研究所






2008 3.3 MON



【日時】 3月3日(月)14:00~15:30
【会場】 日本財団ビル3階 東京財団A会議室
【テーマ】 「六者協議の行き詰まりと米国の対北朝鮮政策:Stalemate in the six-party talks: U.S. Perspectives on the North Korean nuclear crisis」
【共催】 マンスフィールド財団、東京財団
【講師】 L・ゴードン・フレイク(マンスフィールド財団所長)
【モデレーター】 川上高司(拓殖大学教授)
【定員】 60名(定員になり次第、受付を締め切ります)


L. Gordon Flake
L. Gordon Flake joined the Mansfield Foundation in February 1999. He was previously a Senior Fellow and Associate Director of the Program on Conflict Resolution at The Atlantic Council of the United States. Before moving to The Atlantic Council, he served as Director for Research and Academic Affairs at the Korea Economic Institute of America. Mr. Flake is co-editor with Scott Snyder of a book entitled “Paved with Good Intentions: the NGO Experience in North Korea.” (Praeger, 2003) and has published extensively on policy issues in Asia. He travels frequently to Japan, Korea, China and other countries in Asia as a conference participant and lecturer. He is a regular contributor on Korea issues in the U.S. and Asian press and has traveled to North Korea on four occasions. He serves on the Board of the United States Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (USCSCAP) as well as on the Board of the U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, and the Advisory Council of the Korea Economic Institute of America.

Takashi Kawakami
Dr. Takashi Kawakami is a professor in the faculty of International Studies of Takusyoku University specializing in security issues and the US-Japan relationship. After receiving his doctorate from the Osaka School of International Public Policy at Osaka University, he served as a senior research fellow at the National Institute for Defense Studies, Japan Defense Agency. He is the author of Beikokuno tai-Nichi seisaku(America’s Japan strategy), US Forward Deployment and US-Japan Alliance, The Collapse and Realignment of International System, The Power Brokers and so on.




