石川 善樹
Yoshiki Ishikawa
1981年、広島県生まれ。東京大学医学部健康科学科卒業、ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院修了後、自治医科大学で博士(医学)取得。公益財団法人Well-being for Planet Earth代表理事。
「人がよく生きる(Good Life)とは何か」をコンセプトとし、主にWell-being分野の研究を行う。
【兼 職】
公益財団法人Well-being for Planet Earth 代表理事
- 研究分野・主な関心領域
- ウェルビーイング
JA Wolfson, Y Ishikawa, C Hosokawa, K Janisch, J Massa, DM Eisenberg. (2021) Gender differences in global estimates of cooking frequency prior to COVID-19. Appetite 161, 105117.
L Lambert, T Lomas, Margot P van de Weijer, HA Passmore, M Joshanloo, J Harter, Y Ishikawa, A Lai, T Kitagawa, D Chen, T Kawakami, H Miyata, E Diener. (2020) Towards a greater global understanding of wellbeing: A proposal for a more inclusive measure. International Journal of Wellbeing 10(2).
H Hayashi, Andy SL Tan, I Kawachi, Y Ishikawa, K Kondo, N Kondo, T Tsuboya, K Viswanath. (2019) Interpersonal Diffusion of Health Information: Health Information Mavenism among People Age 65 and over in Japan. Health Communication 35(7), 804-814.
K Sato, K Viswanath, H Hayashi, Y Ishikawa, K Kondo, K Shirai, N Kondo, K Nakagawa, I Kawachi. (2019) Association between exposure to health information and mortality: Reduced mortality among women exposed to information via TV programs. Social Science & Medicine 221, 124-131.
N Kondo, Y Ishikawa. (2018) Affective stimuli in behavioural interventions soliciting for health check-up services and the service users’ socioeconomic statuses: A study at Japanese pachinko parlours. J Epidemiol Community Health, jech-2017-209943.
M Kazama, M Sugimoto, C Hosokawa, K Matsushima, LR Varshney, Y Ishikawa. (2018) A neural network system for transformation of regional cuisine style. Frontiers in ICT 5, 14.
M Kamada, J Kitayuguchi, T Abe, M Taguri, S Inoue, Y Ishikawa, et al. (2017) Community-wide intervention and population-level physical activity: A 5-year cluster randomized trial. International Journal of Epidemiology 47 (2), 642-653.
Y Ishikawa, N Kondo, K Kondo, T Saito, H Hayashi, I Kawachi. (2016) Social participation and mortality: Does social position in civic groups matter? BMC Public Health 16 (1), 394.
K Hirai, Y Ishikawa, J Fukuyoshi, et al. (2016) Tailored message interventions versus typical messages for increasing participation in colorectal cancer screening among a non-adherent population: A randomized controlled trial. BMC public health 16 (1), 431.
Y Ishikawa, N Kondo, I Kawachi, K Viswanath. (2016) Are socioeconomic disparities in health behavior mediated by differential media use? Test of the communication inequality theory. Patient Education and Counseling 99 (11), 1803-1807.
H Nishiuchi, M Taguri, Y Ishikawa. (2016) Using a marginal structural model to design a theory-based mass media campaign. PloS one 11 (7), e0158328.
H Fujiwara, A Shimoda, Y Ishikawa, et al. (2015) Effect of providing risk information on undergoing cervical cancer screening: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Public Health 73 (1), 7.
M Kamada, J Kitayuguchi, T Abe, M Taguri, S Inoue, Y Ishikawa, et al. (2015) Community-wide promotion of physical activity in middle-aged and older Japanese: A 3-year evaluation of a cluster randomized trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 12 (1), 82.
Y Suzuki, D Tamesue, K Asahi, Y Ishikawa. (2015) Grit and work engagement: A cross-sectional study. PloS one 10 (9), e0137501.
K Shiba, M Nishimoto, M Sugimoto, Y Ishikawa. (2015) The association between meditation practice and job performance: A cross-sectional study. PloS one 10 (5), e0128287.
H Fujiwara, A Shimoda, Y Ishikawa, et al. (2015) The effects of message framing on cervical cancer screening: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 33 (15_suppl), e12568-e12568.
T Taniguchi, K Hirai, K Harada, Y Ishikawa, et al. (2015) The relationship between obtaining fecal occult blood test and beliefs regarding testing among Japanese. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 3 (1), 251-262.
A Lai, Y Ishikawa. (2015) How can behavioural science contribute to elderly care? Lessons from Japan. European Health Psychologist 17 (2), 58-61.
H Fujiwara, Y Takei, Y Ishikawa, et al. (2014) Community-based interventions to improve HPV vaccination coverage among 13-to 15-year-old females: Measures implemented by local governments in Japan. PloS one 8 (12), e84126.
Y Ishikawa, YF Zheng, H Nishiuchi, et al. (2013) Classification tree analysis to enhance targeting for follow-up exam of colorectal cancer screening. BMC Cancer 13 (1), 470.